TSYR Study Group Vancouver
2019 has seen the beginning of a new chapter for Guseikai Vancouver with the establishment of the fledgling Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Ryu (TSYR) study group Vancouver. Training is primarily focussed on battojutsu or use of the sword, both in defence and attack so it is all paired work. You are invited to join us any time, this is an adult only group.
The study group meets once a month, usually on the last Saturday in the afternoon at Yoshinkan Aikido dojo located at 7671 Edmonds Street, Burnaby. More information on TSYR can be found here and at the TSYR webpage.
For those wishing to train, a correctly sized bokken with a heavy leather tsuba is required, bokken are readily available at https://www.tozandoshop.com/Shindo-Yoshin-Ryu-Bokken-p/012-bk1w.html, leather tsuba are handmade to dimensions of the bokken; they can be ordered at http://www.leathertsuba.com/
For those who wish to join or seek further information about us, please contact info@guseikaikarate.com.